Saturday, April 28, 2007

Jesus is Gone

LA Times article about churches in Europe:

The Bell Tolls for Germany's Churches

Thought it was interesting, especially because I have an artist's studio in an old church. The difference is, though, that the church is still active-- not like it had been in it's former days, but people do still attend. I suppose another big difference is that it's in the middle of a city, and not the countryside villages.


Shane said...

Interesting stuff. I heard that something like 20 churches a year are converted to Mosques in England.
A big shift has really taken place. How do you see the church and people relationship? (Especially in light of declining numbers in Europe)
Have you heard about the researgence among believers in Europe who meet in homes and missional communities?

kathryn said...

That's pretty sad. When do you think the term "Post-Christian Europe" came about? Do you think that'll happen to America in the future?