Friday, May 26, 2006

Hello Blogging World

So, I've been deciding about whether I should get a BLOG or not, and it's a little obvious which road I decided to take. I actually have a spot over on LiveJournal, and also over at Xanga, but I don't really journal or do anything on those any more. BlogSpot has this appearance of being more community oriented to me, like it's more sophisticated or something. Perhaps I'm mistaken. Hopefully, this blog won't end up drowning itself into nothing.

Then again, the other journals aren't 'nothing' per se... I just use them for a weekly write-up now and a blurb once in a great while.

At any rate, because this has a more "sophisticated flavor," I'm hoping to keep this Blog focused on art and art related things as well as faith and faith related things, more than the hum-drum daily life stuff. Although, you're more than likely going to hear some of that stuff regardless. With that said and with the world listening as it will, I'm a recent college graduate (woo-woo!) as of May 13th from Kutztown University. I've got a Bachelors degree in Fine Arts (you know, that BFA thing), and I make art. It is with difficulty that I consider myself an "Artist" because the idea of the capital A "Artist" seems so far off for me yet. I haven't had any gallery shows, I haven't had any sort of professional exposure to speak of. And whether I did or not, I don't make art to be exposed through it... I make art because I love it. I make art because it's the most obvious gift the Lord has seen good to have given me... Sometimes I feel like I could live and breathe it. Perhaps some day soon that will be the case. And how delightful that will be...

At any rate, hello, drop a note if you think of it, and bare with me as I try to figure this thing out. I always feel so inept when messing with settings and online-jargon.

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