Saturday, January 08, 2011


Today it's my birthday. It's snowing, it's Saturday, and later I am having sushi. Score.
Since the last post, I got my hair cut. While that was happening - and maybe it was the lighting - I was reminded of how dreadfully pale I am, especially in the winter. I'm hoping it was the lighting, although I am aware of my inability to tan at all. I looked like a ghost compared to my stylist, whose melanin is more ample with ruddy undertones than mine. At least my freckles don't betray me in the summer. But, really, that has nothing to do with my hair. For my hair, I now have bangs. See?

I've pretty much parted my hair the same way all of my life -- or at least as long as I've been able to "style" my own hair. At 27, I decided to switch things up and tell my stylist to have at it and be inspired. (I am certain that most stylists do not want a client to say that. Ever.) She asked if I wanted to keep the part in my hair the way it has been, and I said, "I want to part it either way now, I want something different; so whatever would look best." Viola: Bangs. It's a big difference for me and that's what I wanted. It feels strange looking in the mirror, so I'm still getting used to it. But I like it. Just thought I'd share.

Also, I've managed to work on some artwork that has been sitting, waiting for me, over the past few months. Although I am not totally satisfied with how things are going so far, these are merely works-in-progress. So I've still got time to change things up a bit. The first is a little bit of a mess at the moment, and still in the early stages of development.. which works out fine, since I'm still trying to refine this particular painting style I'm going for. I've also got to tweak the composition a little, either through re-painting areas or through color. We'll see. It'll be a while before the final piece comes to fruition (yay oils!).

As for the second piece, it is a pretty far cry from the type of work I've been doing over the past few years. For one, it's mostly blue, rather than yellow ochre. Secondly, and equally as obvious, is that there's a whale. If you know me, you could safely say that birds have been my animal-symbol of choice for a while. I put them everywhere. But whales? Whales have been bubbling up in my head for a little while now, and it's just been a matter of time for me to figure out how to portray them the way I want. This piece is only the beginning.
What I'm iffy on about this drawing, though, are the lines swirling around the whale. The idea is pulled from ocean current maps. Visually, it needs more work. Not sure what to do with it yet either, or how to refine what I've got. I'm using pastel pencils, and I think that if I were using paint or making an etching or even collagraph, I would have a much better idea where to go from here. On the other hand I think it's good for me to challenge myself with a different sort of medium.

Almost time to go have sushi. Since my girl kitty Autumn is wandering the apartment talking, I should probably go play with her a little bit before I leave. Perhaps tomorrow I'll work on the rest of that Bucket List from the last post, although one of two things could happen after I get home from church, that would distract me from such a thing as blogging: Dragon Age (my husband suggest I try getting an RP game for the Xbox so I would have a video game to play on my own; I should have declined since I know how easily I get sucked into those types of games. Final Fantasy Playstation games, anyone?); or hopefully working on necklaces to sell.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Hey there, 2011...

Sitting on my new couch, enjoying the new layout of our living room (the feng shui is way better than it was before), and avoiding the office -- which is piled with music equipment, due to an unfortunate incident in which my husband was removed from the band he was in -- I figured it was high time to mess around with my blog on my day off. I'm also waiting to go get my hair cut, and it was either write a blog or play video games. Or make some kind of finagled artwork.

Or go sit in a coffee shop and work on reading Female Chauvinist Pigs, or start reading The Great Divorce. Or continue reading Opening to God: Lectio Divina and Life as Prayer. (I have a nasty habit of trying to read several books at once)


It's 2011, and only a few days till my 27th birthday. Hooray! I actually find myself in a weird, almost limbo sort of place since my husband was asked to leave the band he was in, and my mind has been a battleground of conversations that will never happen with former band members and being sore at God for life getting twisted up in a frustrating way again. However, I must remind myself in the midst of this no-clue-what's-next moment that that is what it is: a moment. A season. 2010 as a whole felt like a fall and winter of transitions, and I'm hoping spring is around the bend (both literally and figuratively). I must also remember that all-in-all we are doing well. God is taking care of us; we have a roof over our head, no want in our bellies, and friends & family (and two cats) who love us. So really, its our hearts and our attitudes that need to be adjusted. I pray this comes together soon.

I also hope that both my husband and I will be able to implement our creative energies in some way besides it all sitting in the office (all of my artwork and materials are also piled there). Thankfully, I have a solo-show in April that I should be preparing for soon, and a possible opportunity to help put together a show sometime in the Fall, which is encouraging. We'll see what is in store for Scott.

That aside.. my lovely friend Erin has issued a challenge to come up with a sort of bucket list of 30 things to do before turning 30 years old. I can't help but be caught up in her enthusiasm! however I'm terrible at coming up with lists. Here's what I've got so far:

1. Live in a place with free laundry
2. Have a grown-up bed, and not a loft bed
3. Have an art studio again
4. Seriously pursue having kids
5. Have a consistent exercise/yoga routine
6. Take a self-defense class
7. Take an art course in SOMEthing again
8. Be more at peace with myself and have more joy
9. Go somewhere outside of the US (even just Canada or Mexico)
10. Write at least a draft for the book I've been thinking about
11. Do a professional photo shoot (preferable with the hubby)
12. Own a professional digital camera
13. Find a way to make art & make money in a consistent way
14. Take Spanish classes that will actually be useful in the real world
15. Join an art collective with friends
16. Do some crazy food challenge
17. Volunteer with Fleisher Art Memorial again, long-term

Ok. I can't think of any more right now because my stomach is gurgling at me and it's high time I run some errands before getting my hair cut. More to come at some point; I'll try not to hold you in suspense.