Saturday, June 17, 2006

I don't think I've squealed quite so loudly before.

So, the most amazing thing happened just ... well, not moments ago, but today not that long ago. Okay, and it probably wasn't THE most amazing thing, but it's up there.

During the last days of my Business of Art class, I had to prove that I submitted applications to two juried exhibitions. And, being the compliant little person that I am, I did. I applied for some gallery called DangenArt that was an online gallery (go figure that one out), and another gallery that's down in D.C. called the Dadian Gallery. The DangenArt one was just a generic sort of juried show, I guess, but I was REALLY excited for the Dadian Gallery one because it was a printmakers show co-hosted by the Washington Printmakers and Wesley Theological Seminary. So not only was it printmaking, it pretty much had all to do with the kind of art that I make. Mmmmmmmm.

And, so I got my image CD back today and guess what?!

Did I squeal? You betchya I did!! I can barely believe that they want to show Heavy. It's so awesome what God does in the midst of all the other excitement that I have going on with leaving for my CCO training tomorrow morning. It's all KINDS of craziness! I submitted three images, but you know what, I think I'm content with praising the Lord that just one got in. I didn't think any really would!

So here's the specs on the show, yaaaaaalllll:
Dadian Gallery
4500 Massachusetts Ave
Washington DC 20016 (I practically have that memorized by now)
The reception is going to be on October 23rd, 6PM to 8PM, and the show will last until December 15th. WOO! As my first show as a college graduate, I can barely contain myself. I'm going to explode out of my skin or something here! Eeeeeeeeeee!

You know, I'm really happy that they chose Heavy, because that's the one print that I've done that took the most effort, and it's probably my favorite, too. It also appears to be the most popular of the ones I've shown to anyone, and for a while I couldn't understand why... Heck, I still don't entirely understand why, I just want to know how I can produce the same kind of affect without copying myself and becoming cliche. But, I won't be able to do this with printmaking for a while. I've got no access to a printing studio, currently. It makes me sad. But, perhaps when I move to Philly....?? Even that seems so far off, this show seems even further!

I'm going to go back to breathing and concentrating on helping Cheryl cook dinner and stuff. Mhmn.


the fourth samba said...

Yo very very veery exciting, sis! Congrats!!!

Meegs said...

Such an amazing, beautiful piece. Love it.