Saturday, October 11, 2008

One more thing, unrelated

So the election is coming up and as a undecided/non-aligned voter, it's a tough call for me. There are things I like about both candidates and there are things I don't like about both candidates. As I was discussing with a friend the other day, it's like picking the lesser of the two evils (which is not to say that there is evil involved on either side, but you know what I mean).

What really turns me off is when my fellow yet D or R aligned voters get hostile about their candidates. It's one thing to be passionate about supporting your side, it's an entirely other thing to mudsling and verbally abuse. This is what I hate about governmental politics and up to this point has turned me off to being interested at all. This is also one reason why I choose to register under neither side. Whoever would be president, God only knows -- but somebody is always going to be unhappy about the final outcome. But this election is the first time I've bothered to watch the debates and try to follow the election, since I'm tired of the vomit that comes out of people about McCain or Obama... and with the potential of maybe having a kid towards the end of the next president's term I'd like to have a little insight and more informed choice about what we'd have to face.

But anyway. I'm done and still trying to figure it out.

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