Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Art Auction: v.1.5

I promise, I'll stop posting about random things and actually tell you about the auction. ... At least, I could try. As I think I mentioned previously, I was stowed away in my studio for most of it, being the social bug that I am.

That doesn't make sense. Let me start from the beginning.

Scott (read: my faithful and handsome assistant) went down to the studios with me decked out in a trusty pair of jeans and t-shirt only to arrive at the Studios to realize that I hadn't gotten the memo for attire. So I scurried back to home, changed, and scurried back to the Studios in heeled, fancy boots, fancy skirt, and fancy shirt. I had to get all gussied up, which generally speaking wasn't such a bad thing except that my feet were ready to revolt by the end of the night.
But anyway.
So we got there and helped to set up the finishing touches. People started to filter through and quite honestly I feel like I left myself for a good half hour because I don't remember what all I had done. I know I caught sight of two supporters of mine (Heather and Vince) from Quakertown and left Duy and Scott in the dust. I chatted. I said hello to co-workers that filtered through, as well as some students... and then at some point I brought Heather and Vince up to the studio to discover the small herd of people therein. That's when I hustled with my faithful assistant to set things up that I didn't previously think about setting up. I talked and my insides felt like they were tied up in knots, and that's how most of my evening went. Any time I caught wind of my prints on auction being bid on, I scarcely could believe it.
I was shocked that anyone wanted to buy prints out of my studio, too.
So I was a stationary social bug, talking to people about my work and primarily explaining collagraph printing. I must have explained it ten times that evening, and at some point my faithful assistant brought me water because my throat was getting very, very dry and tired. Thank you, Scott. I'm glad I can count on you for being there for me. Thanks also to everyone who came into my studio, but most of those people have no idea that this blog exists... so my thanks is moot to them. Rats.

Overall the auction went well. There were tons of people there, and I'm grateful that we could do it and that I had the opportunity to participate. It's encouraged me to take the steps towards applying for a type of membership for the Washington Printmakers Gallery down in DC... which seems pretty far to be applying for, but long story short I was encouraged to do so by one of the folks on committee back in October at that show I participated in. We'll see how things go... I think that if I didn't participate in the Art Auction, I wouldn't have thought to apply right now. Funny how things work out. I hope that the night was as encouraging to my Studio-mates as it was for me, and that they had a great time meeting people.

I would share photos, but most of my photos are uninteresting; besides, I only have six total.
I'm sure I'll fish some up at some point from somewhere, but I'm not worried about it. The night was a total blur, and I was fully exhausted from it.

That's all I've got.


the fourth samba said...

That's what's up Yvonne! No need for apologies, getting your work to be seen and enjoyed is a time to celebrate. Peace...

Alex Paik said...

Hi Yvonne, nice website.

I also have a blog. Check it out.