It's hot.
It's really hot in our office room. So I'm going to keep this really short and to the point.
Because I'm sweating and that's gross. Although it was pointed out in church yesterday that if we didn't sweat, we would probably overheat and die. I suppose I can't complain too much.

Now, here's something that most people don't know about me unless it happens to come up in conversation. I don't know my extended family. I don't know any aunts or uncles except those I've been brought into when dad married my step-mom. So I've never really met any of my aunts or uncles or cousins or whatever.
So out of the sky falls this letter from an uncle of mine, with a sort of inheritance check enclosed with it, at least enough to get us by for the rest of the summer while I still look for a second job. While of course the money is amazing enough, the second most amazing thing is that this is from an UNCLE of mine. You know what that means? That means I can write him a letter back, and prayerfully I'll make some kind of connection with a RELATIVE of mine. I don't think I can really emphasize adequately enough how interested I am in asking questions and questions about this uncle of mine -- and about my mom. Some of the question marks of my family background can maybe get filled with answers.... perhaps some that aren't pleasant, perhaps others that are way amazing... but either way, I want to know about my family if I can. Not to make up for lost time or anything that can't be done, but just to hear the stories I never heard growing up.
And of course as I print the letter, my printer is out of black ink, and I must wait another day before I can mail the letter... which adds another day to when I will be eagerly checking my mailbox for a response. If I get one. A trip to Staples is in order ASAP.
OK. I need to get out of this chair before I get soaked in sweat. Ew.
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