Dear Dirt,
I just spent 20 minutes in my local pharmacy staring at their (minimal) hair accessory collection. There were clips, hair ties, bobby pins, and various other things that I couldn't even begin to identify, let alone know how to use.All that staring was for naught: I walked out of the store empty handed.
Yes, rather than blogging about art as previously said in my last post, I am writing about hair. Don't worry, this won't take long.
I have long hair that reaches it's little split-end fingertips just beyond my shoulder blades at its longest. I recently took on the adventure of dying it a few shades darker brown, and thankfully I can say that it doesn't look freakish around my pale and -- thanks to summer -- freckled little face. You would think with locks like mine I would have something of an idea of how to style it. But you'd be way wrong. There are two styles that I even bother with:
1. Up in a ponytail, or bunched up in a claw-clip haphazardly.
2. Down and as free as a wild mare.
Part of this is due to the fact that I am just way too low-maintenance to get around to doing something with my hair. I don't know how you girls do it with putting hours into making your hair perfect. I just don't have that kind of patience every day. The other and more important reason is that I simply don't even know what to do with my hair. I can't even put my hair up in a proper bun that doesn't either fall apart every five minutes or look like a tribble died back there. I know how to braid, but not my own hair. I don't think my parents did much with my hair when I was a wee one, to no fault of their own. I certainly didn't learn anything when it was just me, Dad, and my brother about how to deal with girl's hair.
Perhaps if I had a curling iron, then I could experiment... or end up with blistered fingers. Who knows.
It's tempting to say, "Bah! I'll just chop it all off, and then I don't have to worry about it as much." Shorter hair may be easier to deal with, but I've been there. I had a little punk-wanna-be hair cut in college that I could spike out in the back that was a horrible decision for my weight at the time. I look back at photos, and only in retrospect do I realize the cut made my face look like a moon. I'd rather not revisit that. I like my long hair. If you've got any ideas or suggestions for what to do with my hair (or better yet, you can tell me how to put my hair in a proper bun), let me know.
However if I don't find a new way to mess with my hair or do otherwise cute things to it, I'm okay with that.
If you made it this far in reading this randomly pointless entry, thanks. Now, time to get to more important things like art-making, phone-calling, and job-searching.
Unfortunately, I do not know what to tell you to do. My hair has been short for a very long time. Although I am eternally in the process of growing it out, whenever it gets beyond my shoulders, I cut it all off again because I just don't know what to do with it and it just hangs.
Maybe experiment with little braids? Bangs? Layers? I don't know.
Yvonne Valenza !!!! thanks :)
I bookmarked your blog.
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