Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The letters in the days that go by

So I've noticed that it's been a while since I wrote anything in this dandy little blog - although I'm sure it hasn't hit the grapevine yet that it exists. But that's okay, because I'm going to break one of my own codes of conduct to do this: it's not going to have a lick to do with art. Gasp!

I've been on the otherside of Pittsburgh for almost a full five weeks now for CCO training. Where could I even begin with writing about how phenomenal it has been? I came in, unsure of whether going into the CCO to work at an art school was what God was really calling me to. Now, on the other side, I couldn't be more sure that this is it. It's been a lot of hard work, but I have enjoyed it. It's been a lot of fun, and I have relished it. They might say that all the information we've learned is like trying to drink from a fire hydrant, but I would like to say that it's more like trying to swallow a well-made steak whole. Why? Simply put: It's so amazingly delicious, so fantastically seasoned, but it takes a lot of time to digest. When I get home, I will have a nice sit down to digest - hopefully sooner rather than later. I may have to wait, since currently there is a pile of rubble where part of my ceiling collapsed. Long story.

At any rate... indeed, how can I count the things I've learned? Creation/Fall/Redemption. Consumation. All of creation had once been completely, entirely, thouroughly good. It will be pretty sweet to see that one day. There is nothing on earth that Christ doesn't have the right to say, "Mine." This includes the children of the earth, no matter how deep they are in the muck.
The call to shine light into the darkness of a student's heart has become ever more urgent and necessary. I am to be an agent of reconciliation.
Terry Thomas: a big kid with big words, big ideas, and big hair. I could get used to hanging out with people like that.
... and so much more than just the ministry things. There are about 30 other people here, 27 new staffers out of that. All of the people here are fabulous and I am very happy to call them my brothers and my sisters. I love them and pray that the Lord will work through them and in them. I've gotten to know some better than others, but they are all my brethren in arms. They laugh, they love the Lord, they want to transform the world. And without any doubt in my mind, I know that God is going to use them in powerful ways that we can't even imagine. We all come from different backgrounds, we all have different personalities. The vast array of people here is such a beautiful thing.
I'm going to miss them because we've practically have eaten, slept, and breathed together for the past five weeks. But, September is actually not THAT far away....

Well, I suppose that's enough thoughts for now. More will come later, probably after all of this craziness has come to a close.
Tonight was our Comissioning Service. God is so good.

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