Friday, August 25, 2006

Do you want fries with that?

Okay, so I know that I said that the next post would have some word-flair, but I just saw Super-Size Me with my friend Charity and I'd like to share some thoughts.

1. Although I pretty much ditched McD's because they changed their fries and their chicken nuggets to things that taste like the decendents of cardboard, it's official: I will never, never eat at McD's again unless I'm desperate.

2. I never knew how obese America was, nor how often we gravitate towards that which is truly bad for us. At least, not in the perspective of food. A man in the movie made a good point in saying that we are very quick to criticize people who smoke and tell them to stop because it's bad for them. Yet, when it comes to watching an obese person gorge themselves on food, we are not so quick to actually tell them they should stop eating what's bad for them and consider vegetables a healthy staple. Admitedly, I don't think I would ever say that to anyone, but I've told many of my friends they need to stop smoking... Perhaps part of the reason for this is that smoking doesn't just affect the smoker, but those around him. Eating horribly bad food only affects the person eating the food and not those around him. Are we just looking out for the smoker?

3. Children/teens in our country are totally ingrained and surrounded by food that is bad for them, and encouraged to eat it by the sheer accessibility of it. School cafeterias assume more than they should about a kid's eating habits and nutritional know-how.

4. Eating fast food every single day is going to kill your liver... and apparently your mojo as well. Go figure.

Fast food is awful for you. Don't eat it unless you absolutely have no other choice.

I hope I can stick to that conclusion. I don't really eat a lot of fast food to begin with, but holy smokes, the movie made me never want to eat another processed chicken sandwich ever again.

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